Three things blogging has taught me. Sixteen years of FinelyChopped.

With the mother of the blog. Kainaz started the
blog for me 16 years back. Named it. Encouraged
me through my journey.

What sixteen years of blogging have taught me:

  • Be clear about your goals. Why are you into this?
  • Develop your own voice. Trends don’t last. 
  • Be patient. You can’t cook a biryani in ‘just two minutes.’

Hardly anyone knew about blogs when I started blogging.

The blog turned 16 today.

Hardly anyone knows about blogs today!

A lot has happened in between.

Blogs became the talk of the town.

Some wrote blogs. Others read them.

Most did both.

Blogs were long-form personal spaces on the internet, hosted on platforms such as Blogspot and WordPress. 

Blogging was a hobby for most.

Our GenZ sons who give me company when
I write. I have promised them that I will write
a book on them and have it published one day.

Print and TV – became legacy media. Social media was the ‘new media’. 

Blogs were its first avatar.

Then came social media microsites – Twitter, Facebook,  Snapchat, Instagram, Reels, TikTok.

Blogs were back to square one. 

People do not know about blogs. At least not in the sense, that one knew them.

By ‘blog’, people now mean Instagram. 

By ‘blogging,’ they mean Instagramming.

Photo posts at the beginning.

Text-driven photo posts next.

Reels now. 

Gone are its amateur days. The blogging new normal is firmly professional

You have to move with the times.

You can’t be a stick in the mud. You have to move with the times.

I took to Instagram. Started my own podcast. Shot reels. Produced a show for YouTube.

The one constant through all of this was my blog.

My frequency of blogging might have changed. The length of posts might have changed. 

The tone of my blog might have changed. Some say it’s more mature. Some say it’s less spontaneous.

My reason for blogging remains the same. 

To write simple stories from day-to-day life.

Stories that could bring a smile to someone’s face. Give hope to someone perhaps.

I know that this sounds like Miss Universe speak, but you need a strong anchor to keep you on course through such a long journey. 

It was no coincidence that our friend Shormishtha,
whom I first knew through her blog Agent Green 
Glass, sent me a cake out of the blue today.

I know that you do not come here often.

That is why I write blog posts and share screen grabs on Instagram. I don’t want to inconvenience you.

Last but not least, the blog would not be anywhere had it not been for you, dear reader.

So do drop in at times to say hi to the blog.

I will try to make it worth your while.

Our neighbour Erika came out of nowhere with 
a pot of Goa sausage for us. Party time?

Big thanks to Kashi for reminding me of the blog’s birthday as he does every year. And to Mr Sarosh Irani of Good Luck cafe in Pune who messaged me to wish me. And to Shormishta for sending a cake. And to Erika for the Goan sausage. To the boys for the nose boops. And to K for being the wind beneath my sales.