I Tried The Cheesecake Factory’s New Flavor and It’s the Perfect Holiday Dessert
When I was growing up, a mall was not a mall to me if there wasn’t a Cheesecake Factory. I don’t make the rules. I would always ask my parents if we could go for dinner when I was a kid, but rarely did I succeed. When I got my driver’s license, I would try to sneak in an occasional trip here or there whenever I found myself in the area.
So, when I was offered the opportunity to try their new holiday flavor before it debuts on November 24, the answer was immediately “yes!” The flavor was a mystery until the box arrived, so I was waiting in suspense, but my guess was pretty close. Meet the new Peppermint Stick Chocolate Swirl Cheesecake!
The new flavor really goes all out for the holidays because it has peppermint swirled into white and dark chocolate cheesecake, all on top of a mint chocolate brownie. It’s aggressively festive, and I respect it.
Let’s get into this lovely cheesecake’s layers of goodness: First is the mint brownie layer that is, most importantly, not rock-hard, which can happen with non-graham cracker crusts, in my experience. Next is the dark and white chocolate cheesecake layer that’s studded with peppermint swirl. On top of that cheesecake layer is whipped cream and then chocolate ganache. Last but definitely not least, the top is decorated with chocolate curls!
Now I love my Starbucks’ peppermint mocha and I also am devoted to cheesecake, so this was a combo I was excited to try! Sometimes peppermint-flavored foods can be overpowering, but that was not the case in this instance. The sharp peppermint swirl and mint brownie are balanced out by the delicious double-cheesecake layers. Like most cheesecake, it’s pretty rich so I didn’t finish the whole slice (reader, it was also 10 a.m.), but that just means more dessert for a longer time!
My friend who doesn’t even like cheesecake but loves peppermint said that this cake was changing her mind. While I am loyal to my favorite Cheesecake Factory flavors (tiramisu and red velvet), I would definitely order this for a fun, festive holiday treat!