Hope I don’t have to cry for you Yazdani

A colleague took my colleagues and me there on our first evening working out ot Laxmi Building.
We bought the Christmas plum cake from there to celebrate NYE at work. It was so boozy that I wasn’t sure whether I should drive back after having it. True story.
Every food walk that I did at Fort would start from Yazdani. Everyone loved it. Regardless of where in the world they’d come from.
I made it a point to drop in there if I’d come to Fort on work.
They are a part of my book of course.
It pains me to see that they just have a door open for sale of bakes post-Covid.
The cheerful place where so many of us would go to recharge ourselves is shut.
I can only hope that they open fully again.
That this photo, taken by director of my shows, isn’t consigned to the annals of history someday.