Supply Chain Transparency is Essential for Restaurants & Their Suppliers

Paul Damaren
Paul Damaren

by Paul Damaren, Executive Vice President, Business Development at RizePoint

Suppose there’s a lettuce recall because the produce is tainted with bacteria and unsafe to serve. Would you know if the lettuce you just received is part of that contaminated batch, so you don’t serve it to your guests?

When you accept protein deliveries, do you have complete confidence that the meats, poultry, and seafood were held at the proper temperature throughout the journey to your restaurant, and all safety and quality protocols were properly followed?

Are you certain that all your suppliers embrace sustainability, fair labor practices, animal welfare, and other environmental and social issues?

You would know the answer to all these questions (and more!) if you prioritize supply chain transparency.

Supply chain transparency is a necessity in today’s world, and it offers many significant benefits to restaurants and other food brands. Boosting transparency all along the supply chain allows brands to:

The benefits of supply chain transparency are significant and far-reaching, extending beyond your own restaurant. When your brand – and your suppliers – commit to safety, quality and integrity, you become part of a positive ripple effect. As more restaurants commit to these issues, we can help drive positive changes for the entire industry.

Paul Damaren is Executive Vice President, Business Development at RizePoint, a technology leader in the food safety, quality management, compliance, and social responsibility space. RizePoint’s quality management software solutions help companies, including Starbucks, McDonald’s, Marriott, and more, keep brand promises through their quality, safety, and compliance efforts. Customers gather better data, see necessary actions earlier, and act faster to correct issues before they become costly liabilities. Check out RizePoint’s new website to learn how these solutions can help your company.

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