Restaurant Marketing Ideas for May

Restaurant Marketing Ideas for May

Mother’s Day isn’t the only day in May that your restaurant can honor someone special.  There’s also the International Day of Families, Brothers and Sisters Day, Visit Your Relatives Day, International Firefighters Day, International Nurses Day, School Principal’s Day, National School Nurse Day, National Receptionists Day, and National Waiters and Waitresses Day.  And don’t forget Military Spouse Appreciation Day and Memorial Day.  May is also Military Appreciation Month.

The entire month is devoted to food as May is National Asparagus Month, National Barbecue Month, National Chocolate Custard Month, National Egg Month, National Hamburger Month, National Salad Month, National Salsa Month and National Strawberry Month.  You can also take advantage of National Photography Month by posting great food photos on Pinterest, Facebook and Twitter.

For more menu marketing ideas, take advantage of special food days devoted to Apple Pie, Blueberry Cheesecake, Brisket, Buttermilk Biscuits, Cheese Souffle, Cherry Cobbler, Chocolate Chips, Chocolate Custard, Chocolate Parfait, Coconut Cream Pie, Devil’s Food Cake, Escargot, Hamburgers, Nutty Fudge, Orange Juice, Pizza, Quiche Lorraine, Roast Leg of Lamb, Salad, Shrimp, Truffles, Vanilla Pudding and Walnuts.  There are also days set aside for Mint Juleps, Moscato and beverages in general.

Here’s your restaurant marketing calendar for May:

Military Appreciation Month
National Asparagus Month
National Barbecue Month
National Chocolate Custard Month
National Egg Month
National Hamburger Month
National Salad Month
National Salsa Month
National Strawberry Month
Celiac Awareness Month
National Photography Month

1 – National Chocolate Parfait Day
1 – Mother Goose Day
1 – School Principals’ Day
1 – New Home Owners Day
1 – Lei Day
2 – National Truffle Day
2 – Baby Day
2 – Brothers and Sisters Day
3 – National Chocolate Custard Day
3 – National Two Different Colored Shoes Day
3 – Paranormal Day
4 – National Orange Juice Day
4 – National Candied Orange Peel Day
4 – International Firefighters Day
4 – Star Wars Day
5 – Cinco de Mayo
5 – Cartoonists Day
5 – No Pants Day
6 – National Beverage Day
6 – International No Diet Day
6 – National Tourist Appreciation Day
6 – Free Comic Book Day
6 – No Homework Day
6 – Join Hands Day
7 – National Roast Leg of Lamb Day
7 – National Tourism Day
7 – World Laughter Day
8 – National Coconut Cream Pie Day
8 – School Nurse Day
8 – No Socks Day
9 – National Moscato Day
10 – National Shrimp Day
10 – Stay Up All Night Day
10 – National Receptionists Day
11 – National Eat What You Want Day
11 – Third Shift Workers’ Day
11 – Twilight Zone Day
12 – Military Spouse Appreciation Day
12 – National Nutty Fudge Day
12 – International Nurses Day
12 – Limerick Day
13 – National Apple Pie Day
13 – Frog Jumping Day
13 – Leprechaun Day
14 – Mother’s Day
14 – National Buttermilk Biscuit Day
14 – Chicken Dance Day
15 – National Chocolate Chip Day
15 – Straw Hat Day
15 – International Day of Families
15 – Peace Officers Memorial Day
17 – National Cherry Cobbler Day
17 – National Walnut Day
17 – World Baking Day
18 – National Cheese Souffle Day
18 – Visit Your Relatives Day
18 – No Dirty Dishes Day
19 – National Devil’s Food Cake Day
19 – Endangered Species Day
20 – National Quiche Lorraine Day
20 – World Whisky Day
20 – Learn To Swim Day
20 – Be A Millionaire Day
21 – National Strawberries & Cream Day
21 – National Waiters and Waitresses Day
22 – National Vanilla Pudding Day
22 – World Goth Day
23 – National Taffy Day
23 – World Turtle Day
23 – Lucky Penny Day
24 – National Escargot Day
24 – Brother’s Day
24 – Tiara Day
25 – National Wine Day
25 – Towel Day
25 – Geek Pride Day
25 – National Tap Dance Day
26 – National Blueberry Cheesecake Day
26 – World Lindy Hop Day
28 – National Hamburger Day
28 – National Brisket Day
28 – Indianapolis 500
29 – Memorial Day
30 – National Mint Julep Day
31 – Senior Health & Fitness Day

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